Do you find yourself complaining a lot? Wish you could do more? You are not good enough? What if I told you that with a mindset change you could win your battle without even lifting a fingertip. Gratitude, yes that is right... Gratitude. What is gratitude? Gratitude is when you show thankfulness and appreciation for anything.
First tip I would recommend is practicing with the “smaller” things that we may take for granted on our day to day lives. Right as your eyes open in the morning just say THANK YOU! Just for being able to open your eyes and take that breath of air. As many folks would understand as counting your blessings no matter how small or big they may seem to you.
After your first initial thank you, take five things each day and say thank you. It can literally be for anything, example can be the bed you are able to lay down on, to having a roof over your head, to be able to get in a car with your smartphone and be able to go anywhere. It is literally up to you.
When we start being thankful for all the “smaller” things in life, the dark clouds start disappearing. In a world where we are told that you aren't good enough, you can never show too much gratitude.
As always! Much love and namaste.
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